Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Connecting People

We have been regular and loyal customers of BSNL for quite a while now (its not like we have had a choice). We have two normal phone connections, a dedicated internet line, and a mobile connection. Bills are paid regularly and on time.

We should have known that this could not go unavenged by the BSNL, who hate nothing more than a good customer.

It started with repairs on a neighbouring line. These 'repairs' soon put one of our lines out. We complained. The BSNL responded promptly (by BSNL standards) and proceeded to dig up half of Bavdhan (that's where I live) and lay fibre optic cables. This helped a little, but now there was a loud disturbance and nothing could be heard. We complained. They made some repairs, and the sound stopped. Completely. Now you don't need to be an ENTC engineer to figure out that that is not quite the point of a telephone. We complained, they 'repaired'. We complained, they 'repaired'. We complained... well, you get the picture. Finally, all our lines started working satisfactorily. We breathed a sigh of relief. Again, we should have known better.

Today, a BSNL guy came over and said he was to reinstall the wiring and 'make sure we had no cause for complaint'. He did his thing. The internet line is out, and we shortly expect the demise of the other two.

Recently, the telecom policy now in force in India came under attack. Why, it was said, do we need private investment in telecom? What is all this talk of privatising public telecom giants? We don't need any of that!

Viva la Revelucion!


Blogger J Ramanand said...

Let that not haunt you when you ask a connect question...

bi der wai, is it now ok to link to your blog?

2:25 AM  
Blogger Kunal said...

Connect questions already slay me, I'm a trivia man.
And yes, it is ok. How can I do the same, I really dont know how to.

11:48 AM  

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